Cultural exchange and interaction between Ukrainians and Poles during the war in Ukraine

  • Author: Nataliia Dobroier
  • Institution: Odesа Polytechnic National University
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 33-37
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: pomi/10/pomi1003.pdf

Today, problems related to intercultural communication are actively studied by representatives of various sciences. As a result of this study, many concepts related to intercultural communication have been introduced, which have become the subject of research in both scientific and practical fields. Often, in defining intercultural communication, representatives of cultural studies, sociology, psychology and linguistics emphasize their professional approach to this phenomenon and reflect their unique view of it. This article focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of intercultural communication and cultural exchange within the framework of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the context of current events, in particular Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Polish support for Ukraine has become important and has many aspects, including humanitarian aid, political support, and economic cooperation. This support contributes to strengthening mutual understanding and solidarity between the Polish and Ukrainian peoples, as well as promotes the exchange of culture and traditions. The article presents a study of cultural exchange and interaction between the Ukrainian and Polish communities during the military actions in Ukraine. Focusing on the period after the invasion, the study examines the intense cultural exchange that took place between the two national groups. This exchange included the exchange of art, literary works, musical performances, and other cultural expressions. It reflects the efforts of both nations to maintain friendly relations and promote mutual understanding in a complex geopolitical context. Cultural exchange contributes to the expansion of knowledge, deepening of understanding and perception of another culture. Art, literature, and other cultural expressions allow people to get acquainted with the world and traditions of other nations, which makes it possible to form common values and opens a dialogue between Ukrainians and Poles. This dialogue helps to increase mutual understanding and improve relations between these communities in the face of historical challenges. It also examines various practical aspects of organizing cultural initiatives and further developing interaction between Ukrainian and Polish cultural heritage after the Russian invasion. These aspects include the organization of joint cultural events, cultural exchange, joint projects in the field of education, and so on. The study opens up new promising horizons for understanding cultural interactions in the context of global change and contributes to deepening interaction between national communities.


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Mutual understanding Russia’s invasion Cultural exchange intercultural communication polish-ukrainian relations

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