Elections, Campaign and Bribery in Ancient Rome

  • Author: Tamás Nótári
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Karola Gáspár
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-146
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppk.2013.03.06
  • PDF: ppk/15/ppk1506.pdf

Elections in Rome in the Age of the Republic were considered just as important, and voters were as much manipulated in Rome of the time as nowadays. Manipulation was nevertheless easier, than nowadays because of the process of elections. The rule of the aristocracy against the masses, and especially the popular assembly was ensured institutionally. And as votes were cast within centurie, they could continue to make use of all means of manipulation arising from the centuria system against the masses. The campaign took one year, so albeit anybody could enter the elections (subject to meeting the above conditions), actually only those had any chance who did not make a living by working, earning wages, but had their own property. In this paper we shall survey the order of the election of consules and election campaign in the last century of the Republic. (I.) After that we analyse the role of associations (collegia) in the election campaign. (II.) Finally, we shall discuss order of procedure of criminal procedure in Cicero’s age with special regard to the criminal procedure in the cases of bribery, i.e. ambitus. (III.)

Wybory, kampania i korupstwo w Starożytnym Rzymie

Tematyka tego artykule dotyczy w kolejności: (I.) wyboru konsulów i kampanii wyborczej w ubiegłym wieku Republice. Następnie (II.) dokonano analizy roli stowarzyszeń (collegia) w kampanii wyborczej. Wreszcie (III.) omówiono postępowanie karne w wieku Cycerona ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem postępowania karnego w sprawach o korupcję, czyli ambitus



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elections wybory bribery ambitus quaestiones perpetuae korupcja

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