Problems with Right to Good Administration in the Context of New Solutions – Multi Level Governance

  • Author: Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka
  • Institution: University of Humanities in Koszalin (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 193-203
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/44/ppsy2015014.pdf

Administration is a very important mechanism for implementing tasks of the state, which consists of various types of bodies and institutions. As a collection of mechanisms it is responsible for the practical implementation of the functions of the state. This means that the way the administration is organized, especially its functioning, affects the quality of the performed tasks and translates into the image of the state in the eyes of the citizens. Dysfunctional administrative apparatus of the state is unable to solve problems and social needs, satisfy the aspirations and can even inhibit the development of civilization and culture of entire societies. In modern democracies, the administration carries out not only those tasks that are part of the classic catalog of its functions, but also fulfills the additional responsibilities of membership in supra and international structures that shape the contemporary social order. Such various range of tasks clearly shows that the meaning of the administration existence is undertaking relevant organizational, managerial and planning actions. Administrative apparatus is to be helpful in solving social problems and to serve the public – Lat. administrare. In the context of the changes and transformations of contemporary states and societies that are taking place under the influence of various factors (globalization, regionalization, integration processes, economic crises, armed conflicts), the right to good administration begins to be an issue of a particular importance. Nowadays, it is not only a fundamental right of every citizen and the principle of European administrative law, but, above all, it becomes a condition for efficient satisfaction of still growing needs and aspirations of individuals, social groups and whole societies. 


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multi–level governance the right to good administration good administration public administration governance

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