Civic Education for Human Rights

  • Author: Jerzy J. Wiatr
  • Institution: University of Warszawa (Poland)
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 91-99
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ppsy/36/ppsy2007006.pdf

The success of democracy depends on the formation of the social capital conducive to the maintenance of democratic patterns of behavior. Civic education is the most important instrument of the formation of such social capital and is, therefore, an essential responsibility of the democratic state. The concept of social capital, introduced in the social science theory by such authors as Pierre Bourdieu (1984) and James Coleman (1988), implies that the quality of democracy depends on the relations between citizens, particularly on the acceptance of such values as trust in others and willingness to accept them as equals. Consequently, the way in which human rights are perceived in a society has profound importance for the quality of political life and constitutes the crucial component of democratic political culture.


Civic Education democracy human rights

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