Navigating Modernity and Traditional Conflict Resolution in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities
- Institution: National Open University of Nigeria
- Institution: National Open University of Nigeria
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 98-116
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/29/rop2906.pdf
Nigerian society has long embedded traditional conflict resolution mechanisms, reflecting diverse cultural norms and values. However, the advent of modernity has introduced complexities that intersect with traditional practices, presenting both challenges and opportunities for conflict resolution. This study explored the evolving dynamics of traditional conflict resolution in Nigeria within the context of modernity. Through a comprehensive analysis of literature and expert insights, the study examines the challenges faced by traditional conflict resolution systems in adapting to the demands of contemporary society. These challenges include issues such as urbanisation, globalisation, legal pluralism, and technological advancements, which often strain the efficacy and relevance of traditional approaches. Despite these challenges, the research identifies significant opportunities inherent in navigating modernity within traditional conflict resolution frameworks. These opportunities encompass the adaptability of traditional practices to modern contexts, the preservation of cultural heritage, intergenerational knowledge transfer, and the potential for innovation through hybridization with modern approaches. By embracing these opportunities, traditional conflict resolution systems in Nigeria can not only address contemporary conflicts effectively but also contribute to the preservation of cultural identity and social cohesion. Through a nuanced exploration of challenges and opportunities, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping traditional conflict resolution in Nigeria. By recognising and leveraging the potential synergies between tradition and modernity, stakeholders can foster more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable approaches to conflict resolution in the Nigerian context.
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modernity Globalisation Opportunity Traditional Conflict Resolution Challenges