Civil Legal Regulation Features in the States Who Inhabited the Ancient Territory of Kazakhstan

  • Author: Aliya Amanbaevna Zhumabaeva
  • Institution: Kazakh-Russian International University
  • Author: Ablay Amanbaevich Smagulov
  • Institution: Kazakh-Russian International University
  • Author: Assyl Smagulovna Smagulova
  • Institution: Kazakh-Russian International University
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 198-207
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: rop/2013/rop201312.pdf

This article discusses the features of the regulation of civil legal in the states, who inhabited the ancient territory of Kazakhstan. The authors also noted the development of a legal framework for regulation of civil relations in these countries. The nomads who inhabited the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, anciently engage in economic, cultural and political relations with other nations, and in accordance with the provisions of the laws protecting the rights of individuals, and sometimes even the whole country, when there was a threat to its interests, thereby protecting the political system, the legal system of nomadic state. Ancient legal system, to regulate relations in the tribal society, giving rise to the modern civil law.


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customary laws ancient legal systems ancient Kazakhstan nomads Islam

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