Modeling of state regulation of the coal industry of Ukraine in the context of structural transformations of the national economy
- Institution: National Academy of Public Administration
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 29-40
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/13/rop1302.pdf
The article is devoted to the state regulation of the processes of modeling of the development of the coal industry of Ukraine in the context of structural transformations of the national economy. An important task of modern science of public administration is to provide systematic methods of substantiation of public administration decisions to determine the vector of development of society as a whole and individual sectors of the national economy, which actualizes the formation of a model of justification of coal industry development strategy. It is proved that the effectiveness of the organizational mechanism of state regulation is ensured through a transparent system of control over changes in the technical and economic parameters of the coal industry of Ukraine. The author proposes the formation of an appropriate tool for programming effective change within a certain cyclical nature of the industry. Systematized information on strategies relevant to planning of the development of the coal industry and the mining sector as a whole. Analytically interpreted information of the optimal plan by the method of dynamic programming using recurrent Bellman equations is presented. The optimal plan of tactical actions at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is defined. The comparison of the optimal plan with possible alternative actions of the management staffof the coal industry is carried out. The perspective plan of tactical actions through priority use of projects of the maximum profitability at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is presented. The plan of tactical actions through priority support of projects of preservation of a current condition at formation of strategy of development of the coal industry in a cycle of a mining and industrial complex is presented. The optimal plan of tactical actions in forming the strategy of coal industry development in the cycle of mining complex with good initial state of resource potential, with probable highest level of initial state of resource potential, with unsatisfactory initial state of resource potential is presented. It is proved that the current critical state of the resource base of coal mining provokes the emergence of natural irrational behavior in Ukraine, when the crisis focuses only on economic benefits without proper management of resource potential, which emphasizes the importance of public administration in resource management in crisis development programs of the coal industry. The developed methodology provides the best solution to the two-criteria problem of public administration of the coal industry: the implementation of public administration functions, including economic, and providing conditions for sustainable efficient resource use.
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coal industry project resource potential strategy model public administration transformation