Modern internal political reforms in the arabian states: key reasons and implementation factors
- Institution: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 134-143
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/14/rop1410.pdf
In this article is determined that the main factor that led to political transformations in the Arabian Peninsula was the process of globalization. Moreover, the impact on the countries of this region was carried out in two vectors - externally and internally. As a result of the active promotion of Western traditions of understanding and functioning of political systems, cardinal reforms and transformations in gender policy, education, socio-economic level, etc. have taken place in the countries of the studied region. The relevance of the study of the proposed topic is due to the fact that the Middle East, including and the Arabian Peninsula become important in Ukraine’s international relations. Although, as the practice of post-reform events shows, often these changes are only declarative rather than systemic. This is primarily due to the slow and unstable movement towards the transformation of socio-political institutions, despite the rather strong pressure in this context from leading international organizations and the leadership of key Western political states.
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educational policy gender policy the process of globalization political transformations the countries of the Arabian Peninsula internal political reforms