Challenges of Nigeria as a Preferable Seat of International Commercial Arbitration
- Institution: National Open University of Nigeria
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 11-32
- DOI Address:
- PDF: rop/18/rop1801.pdf
Arbitration has over the years gained prominence as a preferred method for dispute resolution especially for cross-border commercial disputes. One of the reasons is that the parties want to resolve their dispute in privacy and obtain an enforceable award as soon as possible. The choice of the arbitral seat during the negotiation of any international commercial arbitration agreement is perhaps one of the most overlooked influential aspects over the course of the arbitral procedures. The importance of a wise choice of an arbitral seat generally has two aspects, one of logistical convenience and the other is of a legal effect. For reason of the crucial legal effects of the place of arbitration, the parties have to be sure that they have chosen the best suitable jurisdiction as the seat of arbitration. The article will further analyse the concept of the seat of arbitration, its role, and importance in international commercial arbitration. It will also examine by reviewing the drawbacks of Nigeria as a preferred seat of international arbitration, particularly on the arbitration legislation and the respective judicial supervision and support in effectively conducting arbitration within the jurisdiction.
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