Spis Treści
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-5
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: siip/12/siip12toc.pdf
Problems of a contemporary woman in the context of the image created by the election platforms of the political parties from 2011
Currently, the issue of the functioning of women in the society and their problems in reconciling family and professional roles are one of the major interdisciplinary research subjects. This issue was also raised in the election programs of political parties that were in the Polish parliament after the elections in 2011 (Civic Platform, Polish People’s Party, Law and Justice, the Democratic Left Alliance and Palikot’s Movement). The aim of this study is to characterize the image of women created in the electoral programs and to indicate the basic problems and challenges of women, their causes and proposed solutions. Therefore, the program documents were analyzed from the perspective of two social roles fulfilled by women- mothers and workers. In order to achieve set objectives, the issues were situated in the broader context taking into account social, political and economic situation.
The ideology of gender in media criticism of right-wing circles in Poland
The ideology of gender is recently the subject of deep critical interest of the related right side of the political scene. Proponents of gender feminist movement inspired propose a new look at the social role of women and men. This undermines the perception of sexuality. This article is an attempt to present the main lines of criticism of gender published by the Polish right-wing circles in the media.
Conflict of tradition and law. Socio-political women in India at the turn of the XX and XXI century
Recent media reports about the loud process men accused of the brutal rape of a student started a new discussion about the position of women in Indian society. This status at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first to a large extent still is the result of tensions caused by the clash of tradition and modernity. The aim of this research work is to show the rank of the issue of socio-political women in India at the turn of the century. Article focuses on the determinants that have shaped the contemporary Indian political system and the description of the contemporary Indian society and discuss the major social problems of India. Moreover, analyzes the determinants of religious and regulating the position of women in society. The article seeks to discuss contemporary media events, and analyze the development of problem in the future
An alien and legal status in the Republic of Poland
An alien is a person who does not have Polish citizenship. If you stayed on Polish territory, is protected by law, just as a Polish citizen. On 1 May 2004, Poland has become a European Union member states. Polish border on the Bug became the eastern border of the European Communities, and in a broader geographical and geopolitical plan a whole continent, our country occupies a central position. It is therefore likely that Poland has a much greater extent start to act as a transit country in Europe. Poles are aware of the opportunities and threats arising from this situation. On one hand, is expected to shift to the Polish foreign investment from the present EU countries, on the other hand, the forecasts point to a phenomenon of increasing number of Polish immigrants. Assuming a responsible role, related to personal and goods at the border, Poland is open to visitors from around the world. The hospitality we are proud of the Poles, is reflected in the rules governing residence of foreign nationals on Polish territory. They allow you to cross the border every foreigner, regardless of origin, religion, social or political views.
Fictional marriages between Polish citizens and foreigners. Contribution to the issue of Polish state security
Fictional marriage, or marriage of convenienience, as it is defined in the legal documents of European Union, is a relatively new problem to the Polish legal system. There’s no legal definition of the issue neither in civil, nor penal law. Nevertheless with the increase of immigration in the recent year, a large number of intermarriages is being recorded. Approximately one out of five marriages is fictional, which means that the authorization of residency for a foreigner was its only purpose. What is more, these marriages are being associated with a organized crime. To combat these state security threats, both public administration and law enforcement agencies were given a special entitlements. Nevertheless the number of scientific research of jurisprudence is inadequate to the importance of the issue. Polish prosecutors’ office tend to underestimate the problem. Rulings of judiciary are inconsistent. Therefore, a changes in the Polish legal system are required.
The faces of patriotism in the German model of integration of a multicultural society during the football matches
The article presents the question of perception German national identity, being formed in the first decade of the new millennium. In addition to the ongoing debates about patriotism in the German public space, the competitions of German national football team during the football World Cup in 2006, which took place in the Federal Republic of Germany exercised essential influence on the issue of collective identity of German society. The euphoria of those victories was repeated during the World Cup fever in 2010 in the Republic of South Africa as well as the European Championships of 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. Football matches drew the world´s attention to the German model of integration of a multicultural society. The president, the chancellor, and many politicians across the German political scene joined in the discussion on the need of strengthening patriotism. European integration, which was the substitute of the national pride, lost its primacy to the national community. German patriotism took the economic, social, and athletic faces and for the first time since the second world war, it was free from any negative connotations.
German identity in the new millennium: leitkultur and islam
The issue of the national identity became more popular in Germany in the new millennium. It happened due to politicians’ actions in this country. There is a strand of the national culture canon present in discussions concerning national identity. In contemporary Germany, this issue and the issue of the integration of the foreign population are connected. The crisis of the idea of multiculturalism concerns german law and influences temporary solutions that regulate community life. The purpose of the article is to attract attention to the discursive character of the german national identity and to show examples of political actions that influence its structuring. The presentation of the issue is precluded by the theoretical analysis introducing readers to the topic of the national identity research on the basis of the selected social studies.
Four models of influence on actors of international relations in constructivist perspective. Case study – European Union: Croatia, Turkey, Israel, Tunisia
The paper presents four theoretical influence models on the actors in international relations. The analysis was conducted on the example of the European Union influence on Croatia, Turkey, Israel and Tunisia. In this article adopted constructivist science perspective. The text, presented the following models: institutional integration, institutional drift, non-institutional co-existence and non-institutional dependency. First concerns the situation when actors are deprive of part own sovereignty, implemented partner’s legal regulations. Second refers to frameworks, when two cooperating partners (which want to integrate on the same institutional structure) have a big international potential. Consequently – they can not influence each other. Third – similar perspective, but partners don’t want or can’t integrete on the same institutional structure. Fourth – when the partner who has wider international potential than other, effects on him.
Political marketing and postmodernism. Reflections on the liberal democracy in the twenty-first century
Whether we are incapacitated? Whether active until recently citizens believed that democracy has become a fully democratic. I’m thinking that political marketing give them believed that democracy has become a fully democratic? If citizens believe in this, will be this the end of democracy. Do the citizens of the twenty-first century, ceased to be democrats, and politics has become noisy and color then fair marketing and propaganda. I try answer for this questions in this article.
Horror-management in the internet as a means of social and political control by the Russian young people
The Horror-management is considered as technology of the hidden sociopolitical management by youth in modern conditions. Analyzed the number, content, nature and the effects of negative information on the Internet on the younger generation. At the same management of horror in the Internet space in modern conditions is based on a particular system of ideas, values and ideals. Include legal protection characteristics of young Russians from harmful content.
Napięcie i złożoność relacji między liberalizmem i państwem opiekuńczym
Autor artykułu podjął się próby analizy hipotetycznie silnego związku między państwem opiekuńczym a liberalnym egalitaryzmem. Dowodzi, że związek ten nie może być trwały, ponieważ liberalny egalitaryzm pozostaje w napięciu z państwem opiekuńczym, jako że liberalizm opiera się na bardziej egalitarystycznym pojęciu równości, niż czyni to państwo opiekuńcze. Jednakże teoria sprawiedliwości Rawlsa – najbardziej wpływowa teoria liberalnego egalitaryzmu – i państwo opiekuńcze opierają się na tym samym rozumieniu uniwersalnego obywatelstwa i dzielą podobny pogląd na produktywność. Te podobieństwa przybliżają liberalizm do państwa opiekuńczego. W efekcie związek między liberalizmem i państwem opiekuńczym jest napięty i złożony. Podjęta analiza prowadzi więc do dwóch głównych konkluzji. Po pierwsze, liberalni egalitaryści powinni propagować bardziej egalitarne instytucje niż państwo dobrobytu, promować sprawiedliwość rozdzielczą. Po drugie, liberalni egalitaryści podchodząc poważnie do realizowania ich egalitarystycznego ideału sprawiedliwości, powinni wyjść poza model Rawlsa, jako że jego teoria jest trudna do całkowitego oddzielenia od państwa opiekuńczego.
Attitude of Poles to the work and „sustainable” employment policy in the context of European strategies
The international documents, especially Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 strategy, oblige Polish government to the implementation of the principles of the sustainable development in the employment policy. Analysis of Polish and European employment strategies are pointing that priority like: just, free from poverty, equal opportunities for women, men and young people on the labour market, economic activity of older people, protection of the environment or harmfulness of the work to the environment, proving that they are not effectively carried out in Poland. Employment policy is also ineffective, because the main strategies are not taking into account attitudes of Poles to the work, and values which are shaping this attitude. Return to values is extremely important for the implementation of sustainable development, because for this idea, values shape human and social reality, thus work reality.
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