Wszystko to liczby Notatki o naturze cyfrowego świata

  • Author: Marek Chlebuś
  • Institution: Komitet Prognoz PAN
  • Year of publication: 2017
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 71-81
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tpom/26/tpom2605.pdf

Just numbers. Notes about the Nature of a Digital World

Only digits really exist in the digital world as only matter exists in a material world. In the first one, all physical things are pure abstraction, similarly as all numbers in the second one. Digits are the only substance of the digital worlds. This hi-tech Pythagoreanism leads to a very serious consequences, not only for philosophy, but also for practice. Various concepts and rules, evident here, in the digital world may not work at all, or work improperly, and guide us to absurds when used mindlessly.


digital and supernatural beings intelligence property authorship and copyright law information The philosophy of the virtual world epistemology ontology religion personality

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