Lex Aquilia źródłem współczesnej odpowiedzialności za czyny niedozwolone

  • Author: Justyna Poliszak
  • Institution: SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny w Warszawie
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 197-228
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tpn2018.1.12
  • PDF: tpn/13/TPN2018112.pdf

The purpose of this article is to indicate that all the fundamental private law institutions regarding liability for delicts, negligence, detriments etc. have its roots in Roman law. Lex Aquilia and its creative interpretation made by classical Roman lawyers can be one of the most valuable examples of this historical process. The following essay emphasizes that the classical Roman jurists have developed such an important legal instruments as: the concept of fault, negligence, due diligence, causation etc. Moreover the article contains source texts with case studies and its explanations based on classical interpretation made by Roman lawyers. In addition, the last part of the lecture indicates the main similarities and differences between ancient and modern private law instruments. The article may be useful for law students and legal practitioners to understand the origin and main idea of modern legal principals and therefore improve their skills.

Roman law lex Aquilia due diligence the concept of fault causation negligence civil liability private Law private Roman law civil law detriment delict prawo rzymskie należyta staranność teoria winy związek przyczynowy niedbalstwo odpowiedzialność cywilna prawo prywatne prawo rzymskie prywatne prawo cywilne szkoda delikt

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