Labour Law and ADR in Switzerland – Selected Topics Mediation, Arbitration and Collective Employment Contracts, Arbitrability of Labour Law Claims
- Institution: Attorney at Law in Zurich, research assistant at UZH
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 209-222
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tpn/8/TPN2015111.pdf
The article presents maters of contemporary Labour Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Switzerland, regulated – or “outlined” – for the first time only recently. Amongst main things the study refers to such matters as: arbitration and collective employment contracts, mediation, and arbitrability of international and domestic labour disputes. These are presented thoroughly and compared with conclusions, and future options.
Switzerland labour law arbitration mediation Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) collective employment contracts Labour Law claims Szwajcaria prawo pracy arbitrażu mediacje alternatywne metody rozwiązywania sporów (ADR) zbiorowe umowy o pracę roszczenia Prawo Pracy