The place of anthropology in the philosophy of education

  • Author: Martin Golema
  • Institution: Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 31-41
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/200401/tner203.pdf

The study tries to define the anthropology of dialogue as a specific way of thinking on human being; it grounds mainly in Tzvetan Todorov's findings. It comments basic theses of Buber, Levinas, Bachtin, Habermas and Todorov while underlining their mutual interpretability as well as similarity. Because of possible significance of this anthropological conception for professional teacher training, it recommends to reserve some space for the anthropology of dialogue in the area of the philosophy of education thus enabling it to come out of the shadow of more influential anthropological conceptions.


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  • Levinas E., 1997: Existence a ten, kdo existuje. Praha: OIKOYMENH.
  • Nida - Rlimelin J., 2001: Slovnik soucasnych filosofu. Praha: Garamound.
  • Storig H.J., 1993: Male dejiny filozofie. Praha: Zvon.
  • Todorov T., 1998: Spolocny zivot. Studia zo vseobecnej antropológie. Bratislava: Slovensky spisovateI.
  • Voropaj T.S., 2002: Clovek vo svete slova: Michail Michajlovic Bachtin (1895- 1975). In: Filozofia, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 651-665.

philosophy of education dialogue anthropology

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