The Subject of Philosophy, the Subject of Pedagogy, the Pedagogues’ Subject
- Institution: University of Berne, Switzerland
- Year of publication: 2005
- Source: Show
- Pages: 27-39
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/200502/tner603.pdf
Whoever reflects upon the development and reasoning of pedagogical thoughts and actions faces the problematic subject. ‘The’ subject seems to figure as the basis of it all. Whilst all other key terms and categories are constantly open to negotiation, the ‘subject’ presents itself as self-evident rather than as an entity to be argued at length. Yet, some questions remain unanswered. Why is this the case? Furthermore, what kind of subject do we refer to? In this article the central issues concerning ‘The Subject and Pedagogy’1) as well as first findings of this ongoing research by the author are being discussed. The main focus is not on the results. What is of crucial importance with regard to the following text are the allusions to the apories which accompany any paradigm of the subject. This holds true of every single stage: the subject of philosophy, the subject of pedagogy and the pedagogues’ subject.
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Pedagogical Paradox Maturity subject pedagogy autonomy philosophy