Theoretical Starting Points for the Concept of Professions and the Professional Status of Teachers
- Institution: Matej Bel University, Slovak Republic
- Year of publication: 2006
- Source: Show
- Pages: 167-182
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/200603/tner1012.pdf
The study answers the question whether the teaching profession has the attributes typical of genuine professions. It presents an analysis of the state of fulfilling the requirements of the teaching profession. It focuses especially on the description of the level of teachers’ professional identity in Slovakia. It argues that to be an autonomous subject is the basic requirement of a teacher’s expertise. It gives characteristics of the current understanding of the expertise in the teaching profession and professional knowledge, needed for a teacher’s performance that is based on the cycle of integrating theory and practice and its reflection. It describes two main hindrances to the transition of a teaching career into an expert profession: a) the existing legislative barriers that separate the expertise and the teaching competence; and b) current obstacles in the university teacher training, especially in its curriculum and in the methodology used by university teacher trainers.
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expertise in the teaching profession teacher’s autonomy professional identity of teachers profession professionalism