Preparation of Secondary School Teachers for a New Role in the Field of Entrepreneurial Education

  • Author: Josef Malach
  • Institution: University of Ostrava
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 203-218
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/200603/tner1015.pdf

This article begins with an argument for changes in the concept of the teacher’s role during the period of realization of the objectives of the Lisbon process. European countries have a number of objective reasons for increasing the quality of general and professional education and training. The intentional formation of the entrepreneurial spirit as a personal quality and potential entrepreneurial competence as the condition for effective entrepreneurship have a significant position within the scope of these. The new role of the teacher – the role of facilitator and instigator of personal development of individuals in the sense of their more effective participation in economic growth and social processes requires creation of a new scientific discipline – the didactics of entrepreneurial education and at the same time also a new model for preparation of teachers for its realization in practice within the scope of pre-graduate or postgraduate preparation. Similarly to other didactics this science must endeavour to transform knowledge about entrepreneurship into a didactic system, which determines the target and procedural parameters of the educational process, taking into account the profile of the graduate, the age of the educated people and other external and internal conditions of this process. Creation of the foundations of the didactics of entrepreneurial education enables preparation of its executors – teachers of all levels, lecturers or tutors active in education of adults. This article informs of the solutions of the Comenius 2.1. Teach@ESPRIT Developing Entrepreneurial Spirit In European Teacher Training for Vocational Education project during the years 2004–2007, which the Centre for further education of the Department of Education of the University of Ostrava participates in. This paper informs on progress in a pilot course for verifying the pedagogical efficiency of a national module “Introduction to Entrepreneurship”.


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a module verification in a pilot course the European principles of teacher and trainer education Lisbon objectives the new role of the teacher didactics of entrepreneurial education entrepreneurial spirit key competences Entrepreneurship

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