Good and Bad Sides of Social Integration of Disabled People

  • Author: Kamila Kasińska
  • Institution: Wrocław University
  • Year of publication: 2007
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-158
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/200701/tner1112.pdf

In this presentation I try to explain the process of social integration of disabled people. I present the issues of the social and legal situation of the disabled, myths and stereotypes created by society and integration education (the presence of disabled children in normal schools). I prepared it using the available professional literature and generally accepted educational programmes in Polish schools. Moreover, I analised legislative acts concerning the disabled. I also used information from web sites, which are created by various organisations of the disabled. The analysis shows that the number of disabled people depends on the health condition, and living conditions of society and also the efficient work of the health service. Moreover, we must remember that the phenomenon of disability becomes more intensive with aging, as the consequence of the population growing older. Perceiving the status of a disabled person depends on such factors as: value systems in a given society, cultural influences and socioeconomic status of a country. If the marginalisation of certain social groups lasted for a long time, a completely natural reaction in such a situation would be a tendency to strengthen and consolidate one’s identity, and also cultural and social distinction. The prejudices and stereotypes, concerning the disabled functioning in society, account for the main difficulties in their full revalidation and rehabilitation. The idea of integration, which means their full inclusion in social life, requires a change in the attitudes from negative to positive: tolerance, acceptance and cooperation.


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social life social integration disabled people attitudes

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