Psychometric Quality of the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES) in Argentinian Adults
- Institution: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Institution: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Institution: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Institution: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Institution: University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Year of publication: 2024
- Source: Show
- Pages: 181-194
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202402/tner7613.pdf
“Sharenting” refers to parents or relatives sharing images/information of young family members on social media, which can negatively affect children. Previous studies lacked standardized measures, except for the Sharenting Evaluation Scale (SES) validated in Spain. This study aimed to validate the SES in an Argentinian sample (255 adults), test its factor structure, and explore associations with sociodemographic factors. Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed the model’s adequacy with satisfactory internal consistency, and cross-validation and invariance revealed similar results. Associations were found with age, number of social networks used, and gender. Findings support the use of the SES to assess Sharenting.
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psychometric properties Sharenting Evaluation Scale sharenting social media