Is Technology a Magic Wand? When Tablets’ affordances meet Teaching Practices: Insights on Didactic Design
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 76-90
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201801/tner20180106.pdf
This text presents and discusses results of empirical research conducted during 3 school semesters (1.5 of school year) in a primary school in Poland. The research focused on the introduction of tablets (iPads) to didactic design and aimed at the observation of learning processes of the entire school community in connection with the appearance of a new educational actor. We used a qualitative research approach, mainly video-ethnography (60 hours of recorded material). This research approach resulted in the identification of maps of teaching and learning practices and their meanings in the changing school field.
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SAMR model didactic design teaching mobile technology transformation