Culture-Based Social Studies Learning Model in Developing Student Multiculturalism

  • Author: Didin Saripudin
  • Author: Aim Abdulkarim
  • Author: Kokom Komalasari
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 173-183
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201801/tner20180114.pdf

This study aims to describe a culture-based social studies learning model to foster student multiculturalism. Research and Development design was employed, with junior high school students in Sumedang Indonesia as the subjects of the research. The proposed model is a strategy for crafting a learning environment and experience that integrate culture as inevitable part of the learning process. The teaching materials encompass the diversity of Indonesian cultures. Culture-based learning steps manifest in multiculturalism class contracts, delivery of introductory materials, library inquiry, demonstration of cultural performance, modeling/guest teachers, and value clarification technique (VCT) cultural value analysis, material review and reflection of multiculturalism values. The model significantly influenced the development of student multiculturalism.

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junior high school multiculturalism multiculturalism education culture-based learning social studies student Indonesia

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