Managing Corporate Higher Education: Indonesia’s Greatest Challenge
- Institution: State University of Jakarta
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 39-48
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201803/tner5303.pdf
Corporatizing university is among the typical strategic of higher education (HE) management that enables developed countries to successfully position their universities among the best ones in the world. In Indonesia, the varying quality of universities is influenced by several factors: limited funding, inadequate facilities, meager quality of lecturers and researchers, inefficient management, and ineffective use of public spending. Teese emerged as symptoms that point to a deep-seated obstacle faced by Indonesian universities, i.e., an inappropriate university management and financing model. This study attempted to reveal the essential problem underlying the symptoms and share some thoughts of how to resolve them. It is concluded that corporatizing university in the country is considered among the most effective strategies to establish world-class universities in the archipelago.
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