Personality Types and Sense of Humor and Their Association with Teachers’ Performance Improvement

  • Author: Abdulwahab Pourghaz
  • Author: Hossein Jenaabadi
  • Author: Zahra Ghaeninejad
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 247-259
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201604/tner20160421.pdf

This study aimed to examine the relationship between personality types and sense of humor and their association with teachers’ performance improvement. This descriptive study followed a correlational design. Based on Morgan’s table, a  corpus of 201 elementary school teachers in Nehbandan was selected as a sample, using the stratified random sampling method. The data collection tools were the Williams and Anderson Task Performance Scale (1991), the Eysenck Personality Inventory (1975), and the Moghimi and Ramazani Sense of Humor Questionnaire (2001). The results indicated that extraversion was significantly and positively related to the teachers’ performance and sense of humor and neuroticism was significantly and negatively correlated with the teachers’ performance and sense of humor. Moreover, a significant and positive relationship was found between a sense of humor and the teachers’ performance improvement. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis demonstrated that extraversion, neuroticism, and a sense of humor could predict the teachers’ performance.


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personality types sense of humor performance teachers

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