Some Aspects of Increasing the Effectiveness and Comfort of the Scientific and Educational Process in University Electronic Environment-A Research Report

  • Author: Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 259-270
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201603/tner20160321.pdf

The research presented in the article seems to confirm the assumption that e-learning and ICT development contribute to the quality of educational services, to the development of information society competences and to the increased competitiveness of institutions of science and education. E-learning participants aim at: increasing comfort in the scientific and educational process; lifelong learning goals; the personalization of education; the formation of new scientific and educational cooperation and intercultural competence; self-fulfilment in education and work; increased openness of the scientific and educational environment; and enhancing self-organizational effects which support the sustainable development of the university environment. The research was conducted at the University of Silesia within the framework of IRNet project.


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educational and research activities survey international research network e-environment ICT e-learning

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