Effectiveness of geogebra on academic and conceptual knowledge: role of students’ procedural knowledge as a mediator

  • Author: Hutkemri
  • Author: Sharifah Norul Akmar Syed Zamri
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 153-164
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.2016.44.2.12
  • PDF: tner/201602/tner20160212.pdf

Quasi-experimental research was conducted to identify the effectiveness of GeoGebra in achieving students’ conceptual and procedural knowledge. The research was performed to identify the effects of a  mediator in students’ conceptual knowledge in relation to procedural knowledge with student achievement. A total of 284 students were involved in this study. The students in the experimental group learned using GeoGebra, whereas the students in the control group used the conventional method. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0, AMoS 18, and Anates V4. Findings of the study demonstrate that GeoGebra is used as a mediator of students’ procedural knowledge in relation to conceptual knowledge for academic achievement. This study also shows that conceptual knowledge affected the students’ mathematics procedures. The result of the study supports the related theory of the role and contribution of conceptual and procedural knowledge to student achievement. This study provides suggestions as intervention to increase students’ conceptual and procedural knowledge.


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achievement conceptual and procedural knowledge GeoGebra limit function mediator quasi-experimental

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