Motivation to become a preschool teacher

  • Author: Radmila Burkovičová
  • Year of publication: 2016
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 181-192
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201601/tner20160115.pdf

The purpose of the presented research was to find out which external and internal considerations and life experience motivate students for acquiring university education for the teaching profession to major in preschool teaching. Data collection was based on the method of unstructured interview on a given theme. Evaluation was based on coding. The presented factors are external factors of the “people” category. Every category is divided into sub-categories and the subcategories are further subdivided to subgroups on the basis of the nature of the incentive. Young people were mainly affected in their decision-making by their mother, her professional and private behaviour, by positive stimuli from their grandmothers, aunts and children. Fathers were not mentioned as actors in making this kind of decision. The most frequently mentioned human factor was represented by female teachers on different levels of education and from different school types. The discouraging factors included schoolmates. Children and schoolmates were newly identified considerations.


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student factor teaching profession incentive stimulus

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