Educational self-efficacy in teachers of various ethical orientations. The slovak research
- Year of publication: 2016
- Source: Show
- Pages: 193-200
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201601/tner20160116.pdf
The article provides an empirical analysis of a relationship between ethical orientations and educational self-efficacy. Ethical orientations are defined in the theoretical system of K. Gilligan, whereas self-efficacy is viewed through the social-cognitive theory. The results of the analysis of variance demonstrate the existence of statistically significant differences in self-efficacy between teachers who prefer the ethics of justice and those who prefer the ethics of care, in favour of the former. However, the Eta coefficient shows that the relationship strength is not very large. In conclusion of the result interpretation we explain what our research explicates and what lies beyond its capacity.
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teachers ethical orientations educational self-efficacy care and justice ethics