How to learn professional competencies via blogs

  • Author: Carme Pinya Medina
  • Author: Maria Rosa Rosselló Ramon
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 40-51
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201504/tner20150403.pdf

How can one encourage the development of professional skills in a university subject? How can one use a blog to improve teaching results? These questions motivated the study presented in this article. It is structured around the following two basic and complementary objectives: 1. Designing and implementing a teaching innovation project to promote the development of certain professional skills, using the blog as a tool for self-reflection and 2. Evaluating the experience and collecting students’ comments on the use of the blog in a university context. In pursuit of the second objective, we used a methodology that combined a questionnaire and content analysis. The results make us reflect on the changes that should be introduced in the design of the learning activities and the provision of feedback to utilise the blog as a tool to promote the development of professional skills.


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blog professional competencies reflection higher education feedback

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