Social roles and competences of the teacher in a virtual classroom in Poland and Korea
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 153-164
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201504/tner20150413.pdf
The paper analyses competences of the teacher in a virtual classroom. It describes the reconfiguration of social behaviours and the role of the teacher in the virtual class after taking into account the theory of dialectics of globalization by Anthony Giddens, developed by Norman Fairclough with respect to social discourse and interpersonal interactions. Taking into account the results of different authors’ empirical research on online teaching, social features of such a process and personality traits, social roles and professional competences of a virtual class teacher in Poland and the Republic of Korea are described.
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education in a virtual classroom globalization roles and competences of a virtual classroom teacher reconfiguration of behaviours and social role of the teacher