Teachers’ behaviors towards mentally disabled students in physical education classes
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 235-246
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.2015.40.2.20
- PDF: tner/201502/tner20150220.pdf
The goal of this research was to examine the verbal and non-verbal behaviors of teachers towards mentally disabled students in physical education classes in Special Education Practice Centers (Schools for Mentally Disabled Students) in Turkey. The study was based on qualitative research and data was collected through interview forms prepared by the researchers. The interviews consisted of four semi-structured questions, which were analyzed by using the method of content analysis and qualitative data analysis software. Accordingly, it was observed that teachers used a variety of mimics and gestures as reflections of their body language in order to establish and control class management. The teachers interviewed stated that they consciously used their specific way of posture, walking and sitting in the classroom. They also stated that they frequently changed their positions in the classroom and embraced a variety of distance and touch behaviors towards the mentally disabled students. In conclusion, these teachers have the greatest responsibility to achieve the goals of physical education class for the mentally disabled students. These responsibilities are crucial for the educational advancement of the mentally disabled students. The non-verbal behaviors and expressions of these teachers play a vital role in the mental and behavioral development of the mentally disabled students.
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academic teachers mentally disabled students physical education class classroom management teacher behaviors