Towards micro-history – new look at the family history
- Year of publication: 2015
- Source: Show
- Pages: 63-72
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201501/tner20150105.pdf
The article is dedicated to the problems of history education in the early school years, a question which until now has been almost neglected in literature. Studies on constructing the historical senses of primary school pupils can help, if only partially, to fill in this gap. Two aspects are discussed: historical senses constructed in the context of educational situations (focusing on the content, developed around the teacher, concentrated on pupils’ knowledge) and historical senses constructed by pupils via narration. By analyzing the research material, the author was able to distinguish the subjective senses and meanings which pupils participating in the study assigned to spheres of private life and to spheres which are manifestations of grand history in private stories.
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narration history education memory micro-history children’s historical senses