Peculiarities of professional plurilingual competence of future international business activities managers

  • Author: Ganna Piskurska
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 119-128
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201501/tner20150110.pdf

The article focuses on one of the trends in modern language education, i.e. the plurilingual approach towards language teaching, since one of the important components of IBA managers’ professional competence is their ability to function and communicate in a foreign language environment successfully. Modern high-grade professional training for IBA managers and principles of plurilingual education require research into the problem of the formation of IBA managers’ professional plurilingual competence, which presupposes extension of the linguistic repertoire of students. On the basis of a questionnaire survey it was identified that the plurilingual repertoire of the students qualifying in International Business Activities includes the Russian, Ukrainian, English, and German (or French) languages. Besides, specific features of professional plurilingual competence of IBA managers are also identified, which can be used in further research to elaborate effective methods for professional plurilingual competence formation.


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professional plurilingual competence language (plurilingual) repertoire mother tongue foreign language dominant language professional training

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