Measuring the Ability of Physical Education Teachers to Apply a Developed Curricula According to the Knowledge Economy in Irbid Governorate Schools
- Institution: Faculty of Physical Education Yarmouk University
- Institution: Faculty of Physical Education Yarmouk University
- Institution: Faculty of Physical Education Yarmouk University
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 75-86
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201903/tner5706.pdf
The study aimed to measure and explore the ability of physical education teachers to apply the new developed curricula according to the knowledge economy in Irbid Governorate schools. The sample of the study consisted of (120) male and female teachers from Irbid district, following validation, the teachers were provided with a questionnaire which included two fields; knowledge economy and information technology. The results showed that the ability of physical education teachers in applying the new curricula in the field of the knowledge economy and information technology was high, although the field of information technology ranked first, followed by the field of knowledge economy. Also, there were significant differences according to variable of experience when measuring the ability of physical education teachers in the domain of information technology in favor of the group with 10 years and more experience. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the variable of experience in the domain of knowledge economy. The study suggests reviewing the mechanism of applying the new developed curriculum according to the knowledge economy, and holding training sessions before and after starting to build a new curriculum. Conducting information technology courses in accordance with new curricula are suggested, and also that the Ministry of Education in Jordan must provide the necessary facilities, such as halls and technology devices.
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Knowledge Economy Information Technology Physical Education curriculum teachers Abilities Measuring