Selected Aspects of Environmental Literacy Among Pupils with Regard to the Aims of Primary Education

  • Author: Miriam Uhrinová
  • Institution: Catholic University in Ružomberok
  • Author: Mária Balážová
  • Institution: Catholic University in Ružomberok
  • Author: Roman Kroufek
  • Institution: University of J. E. Purkyně
  • Author: Eva Synaková
  • Institution: J. G. Tajovský Elementary School
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 57-70
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/202104/tner6605.pdf

Considering the current conditions in environmental education and training in Europe and the world, it is essential to put emphasis on the increase of the environmental literacy of pupils in the educational environment. The paper presents findings of the conducted research focused on the regional identity in relation to environmental literacy of pupils. The empirical research was of a quantitative-qualitative character. The subject of the research was the level of environmental literacy of pupils of primary education and selected aspects in its development in educational process. The research was conducted in 630 schools from all over Slovakia. In the paper we focus mainly on the findings obtained from questionnaires completed by primary education pupils and from interviews carried out by teachers. The research findings highlight the need of pupils for direct contact with nature with regard to the improvement of their level of environmental literacy.


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environmental literacy primary school pupil Education slovakia

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