The Relationships Between Critical Thinking and Creativity Among University Students in Contemporary Education: Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences
- Institution: American University of the Middle East
- Institution: Kozminski University
- Institution: American University of the Middle East
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 87-98
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202103/tner6507.pdf
Critical and creative thinking skills share a considerable scholarly discussion; little is known about the gender-based differences in students’ critical thinking and creativity, along with their impact on academic performance in the Arabian Gulf context. Data for the study were collected through standardized measurements from 220 students and matched with students’ performan ce in various assignments. The data were analyzed through group comparisons and classification algorithms. The results demonstrated gender differences in academic success and relationships between critical thinking and creativity. The current study may assist researchers and practitioners in the educational field who enhance creativity and critical thinking development among students considering gender and academic success. This will allow to improve teaching-learning experiences and prepare youth for their further professional success.
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gender critical thinking creative self-efficacy creative potential academic success