Concern, Pessimism and Neuroticism of Senior Undergraduates and Students

  • Author: Vrcic Amar Аnida
  • Institution: State university of Novi Pazar
  • Author: Milena Belic
  • Institution: State university of Novi Pazar
  • Author: Djerdji Erdes-Kavecan
  • Institution: State university Novi Pazar
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 273-282
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/202102/tner6422.pdf

Th is paper explores the relations of concern, pessimism and neuroticism in two groups of young people, students in their fi nal year of high school, and senior undergraduates of diff erent faculties. In this research, we further want to check at what level these cognitive elements are expressed in young as well as whether there is a diff erence between the sexes. Th e study included 274 participants, average age of 20 from the South-Western Serbia. Th e following instruments were used: Scale of optimism / pessimism, Penn state questionnaire of concerns and GEN questionnaire for generalized neuroticism. Th e results showed that young people have a higher concern, pessimism, and that 17.9% of young people in our sample were neurotic. Female gender is more concerned and neurotic when compared to males.


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neuroticism concern pessimism youth school university

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