The Impact of Organising Six-Year-Old Children into Groups on their Collaboration in Achieving Goals
- Institution: University of Ostrava
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 174-187
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202101/tner6314.pdf
This article is aimed at presenting the results from research. The aim of the research was to verify whether children organized in groups work more effectively in achieving a common goal. The research method employed was that of a social experiment under natural conditions, with the parallel groups technique. The research group consisted of 100 six-year-old children over the course of two school years from two public kindergartens in the same location of a single town. The assumption was that the frequency of collaboration would be higher at the end of the school year for children organised by teachers into groups in order to achieve a common goal compared to children for whom this opportunity is intentionally not created by their teachers. The assumption was confirmed for the methods in which collaboration was manifested: The assumption was confirmed for manifestations of cooperation: continuous, effective communication; helping a friend; praise, encouragement. The following was not confi rmed: expression of one’s own opinion/proposal; engagement in the achievement of a common goal.
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collaboration skills manifestation six-year-old child method of implementation