Some Psychological Factors Related to Work Engagement in Teachers
- Institution: University of Ostrava
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 203-213
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/202001/tner5916.pdf
This paper explores a number of psychological factors related to work engagement in teachers. Using a sample of 449 lower and upper secondary school teachers, it focuses on the Big Five personality traits, respondents’ age, and several factors based on the teachers’ subjective evaluation of their work - including the meaningfulness of their work, job satisfaction, and workload. The results indicate that teachers’ work engagement is connected primarily with their job satisfaction and perception of the meaningfulness of their work (which functioned as predictors), as well as respondents’ Big Five personality traits (of which extraversion and conscientiousness were predictors). Perceived workload emerged as a negative predictor.
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workload job satisfaction personality traits meaningfulness of work work engagement teachers