Cooperation, Effective Classroom Prevention and Intervention Strategies: Teachers’ and Parents’ Views

  • Author: Barbara Žužek Lackovič
  • Institution: Primary school Beltinci, Beltinci, Slovenia
  • Author: Mateja Pšunder
  • Institution: University of Maribor
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 233-243
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201902/tner5619.pdf

Teachers and parents are partners; each has an important role in achieving a common goal, which is rearing and educating children. Research has shown that successful teacher-parent cooperation positively contributes to holistic child development, academic success and behaviour, as well as reducing disciplinary problems. For teachers and parents to acquire a better mutual understanding and support is striving towards this common goal, it is important that each knows the other’s views and perspectives. The presented study focused on how teachers and parents perceive cooperation when managing disciplinary problems in the classroom and what they believe are the most successful classroom prevention and intervention strategies. The pooled survey used in this research included 107 class teachers and 291 parents from eleven primary schools in the North-East Region of Slovenia. The research has shown some important differences in the attitudes of teachers and parents, which should be taken into account when improving classroom management.


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inappropriate behaviour cooperation parents teachers classroom strategies

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