Parental Monitoring of the Internet Activity of Young Children and Preadolescents
- Institution: University of Silesia
- Institution: University of Silesia
- Year of publication: 2014
- Source: Show
- Pages: 315-325
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201402/tner3625.pdf
This study explores the influence of three psychological factors of the parental monitoring of children’s Internet activity: (i) parents’ perception of the Internet as a source of threat and risk, (ii) parents’ perception of the Internet as a source of benefits, and (iii) family closeness. The sample consisted of 161 parents (20 fathers and 141 mothers) of children aged 7 - 12. Results show that family closeness is the most significant predictor for parental monitoring. The second significant predictor is parents’ perception of the Internet as a source of threat or risk. As expected, the predictors for parental monitoring of children’s Internet activity depend on children’s age.
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Internet activity parental monitoring children preadolescents