Assessment of the Use of Synchronous Virtual Classrooms in Higher Education

  • Author: Juan Arias-Masa
  • Institution: University of Extremadura
  • Author: Laura Alonso-Díaz
  • Institution: University of Extremadura
  • Author: Sixto Cubo-Delgado
  • Institution: University of Extremadura
  • Author: Prudencia Gutiérrez-Esteban
  • Institution: University of Extremadura
  • Author: Rocío Yuste-Tosina
  • Institution: University of Extremadura
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 221-235
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: tner/201404/tner3817.pdf

The presented paper describes the characteristics of a study conducted on Synchronous Virtual Classrooms (SVCs), virtual spaces which harbour such resources as videoconferences, shared desk-tops, etc. The main objective of the research was to assess teaching and methodological, communication and technological aspects of SVCs in e-learning processes. Empirical methodology of quantitative and descriptive nature was used; a questionnaire was designed to assess these issues with a sample of 116 university students from six different fields of study at the University of Extremadura. As a conclusion, we report that SVCs with a constructive methodology enhance students’ creativity, favour virtual collaborative work, promote critical and independent thought, and create alternative channels to stimulate students’ active participation by means of flexible and attractive interfaces.


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higher education videoconference synchronous virtual classrooms management system platforms information and communication technology e-learning

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