Communicative Approach as a Means of Learning a Foreign Language in Higher Education
- Institution: Communal Institution of Higher Education “Rivne Medical Academy”
- Year of publication: 2022
- Source: Show
- Pages: 41-45
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ve/1/ve104.pdf
The article substantiates the importance of using a communicative approach in foreign language teaching. The term “communication” is interpreted by scientists as a totality, meaningful generalisation of theoretical and practical knowledge presented in the form of concepts, principles, provisions that promote mutual understanding, and situations necessary for successful interactions. The purpose of teaching a foreign language in a higher education institution is the possession of future teachers of communicative competencies that allow them to implement their knowledge, skills and abilities to solve creative problems. The principles of communicative learning are determined: the principle of speech and mental activity, individualisation, functionality, and novelty. The main factors of effective application of the communicative approach important for teaching a foreign language are highlighted: communicative orientation of all kinds of training; the main link in learning by their interests, abilities, and needs; teaching materials are presented on a thematic or functional basis. Communicative teaching methods are identified, which are based on a humanistic approach and aimed at the development and self-improvement of the individual, the disclosure of its reserve capabilities and creative potential, create conditions for effective improvement of education in higher education. The scientific novelty of forming students’ communicative skills in higher education institutions is determined by changes in the education system, focusing on the formation of communicative competence of future professionals. The use of pedagogical tasks in foreign language classes allows students to form a communicative culture, skills and abilities of foreign language communication; contributes to the real, personal preparation of students for future professional activities; makes foreign language classes more interesting and meaningful. Orientation of foreign language classes on the development of professionally necessary communicative skills and communicative culture ensures the implementation of the principles of the contextual approach of learning, increases students’ motivation for learning and the success of foreign language learning.
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speech activity creative methods learning motivation future teacher English language