Cultural Education Outside the Majority Educational System: The Case of Buryat Culture

  • Author: Wojciech Połeć
  • Institution: Warsaw University of Life Science, Poland
  • ORCID:
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 101-106
  • DOI Address:
  • PDF: ve/9/ve912.pdf

The article analyses an interesting case of cultural education outside the majority educational system based on a series of books by Viktoria Alagueva. The publication of these books was an important impetus for the development of knowledge about Buryat culture among Russian- speaking Buryats, who in the times of the Soviet Union did not have the opportunity to transmit their own culture through the educational system, and for whom the transmission of the Buryat language and culture is still difficult in the post-Soviet era. The article is based on two types of sources. The first is Alagueva’s books themselves and an analysis of their content. The second is observational and interview data conducted as part of field research on the revival of Buryat culture. In the article, I show that well-prepared educational materials can significantly influence not only young generations of representatives of national and ethnic minorities but can also have a positive impact on adult education.


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Buryat culture cultural education national and ethnic minorities adult education

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