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Punktacja czasopism naukowych Wydawnictwa Adam Marszałek według wykazu czasopism naukowych i recenzowanych materiałów z konferencji międzynarodowych, ogłoszonego przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki 17 lipca 2023 r.

Scoring of scientific journals of Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek according to the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, announced by the Minister of Education and Science on July 17, 2023.

  • Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne – 100 pts
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The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies

The Peculiarity of Man

The Peculiarity of Man

Suffering into patrimony: dealing with communist repression in postcommunist Romania

  • Author: Claudia-Florentina Dobre
  • Institution: “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Bucharest, Romania
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6778-3466
  • Year of publication: 2023
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 95-113
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/hso230406
  • PDF: hso/39/hso3906.pdf
  • License: This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the CreativeCommons Attribution license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Analyses of communist repression in post-communist Romania focused on anticommunism and its totemic figures. Laws, institutions and people promote this perspective, transforming the suffering of the formerly politically persecuted into a patrimony meant to be preserved and passed on. On the official level, the anticommunist paradigm gained momentum in December 2006 when the communist regime was condemned as ‘criminal and illegitimate’. However, a majority of the population have not embraced the official approach to communism as the fallen regime still acts as a ‘millieu de memoire’ (as defined by Pierre Nora). My article deals with the main institutions and laws which aimed at promoting and transmitting the memory of repression in post-communist Romania. Analyzing the memory politics as regards the communist repression might provide fresh insight into the ongoing process of building a cultural memory through selection, reconstruction and adjusting figures, deeds, and memorial items.


  • Assmann A., Cultural Memory and Western Civilization. Arts of Memory, Cambridge 2011
  • Assmann J., La mémoire culturelle. Écriture, souvenir et imaginaire politique dans les civilisations antiques, Paris 2010
  • Bădescu G., Comșa M., Gheorghiță A., Stănuș C., Tufiș C.D., Implicarea civică și politică a tinerilor [Civic and Political Involvement of the Youth], Constanța 2010
  • Banu F., Serviciile secrete românești în timpul regimului comunist (1948–1989) [Romanian secret services during communism], [in:] Panorama comunismului în România, ed. L. Corobca, Polirom, 2020
  • Boghiceanu A., Infografie sondaj: Peste jumătate din români încă mai suspină după communism, Adevărul, 18 septembrie 2017
  • Boym S., The Future of Nostalgia, New York 2001
  • Capelle-Pogacean A., Roumanie: l’utopie unitaire en question, Critique internationale 2000, no. 6
  • Deletant D., Romania under communist rule, Bucharest 1998
  • Dobre C.-F., Women’s Everyday Life in Communist Romania: Case Studies, Analele Universității din București, Limba și Literatura Română 67, 2018
  • Dobre C.-F., Martore fără voie. Fostele deținute politic și memoria comunismului în România [Unwilling Witnesses. Women, former political detainees, and the memory of communism in Romania], Târgoviște 2021
  • Erll A., Memory in Culture, New York 2011
  • Gussi A., La Roumanie face à son passé communiste. Mémoires et cultures politiques, Paris 2011
  • Hooper-Greenhill E., Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture, London–New York 2000
  • Hossu Longin L., Memorialul durerii. Întuneric și lumină [The Memorial of Sorrow. Dark and Light], Bucharest 2013
  • Lucia Hossu L., Memorialul Durerii. O istorie care nu se învață la școală [The Memorial of Sorrow. A History which is not taught in school], Bucharest 2007
  • Jinga L., Rehabilitation of victims and compensations, [in:] Democratic Transition Guide. The Romanian Experience, CEVRO, National Endowment for Democracy 2017
  • Justice, Memory, and Redress in Romania: New Insights, eds L. Stan, L. Turcescu, Cambridge 2017
  • Kavanagh G., Dream spaces. Memory and the Museum, London–New York 2000
  • Listele morții [The lists of dead], ed. D. Dobrincu, Iași 2008
  • Pasti V., România în tranziție. Căderea în viitor [Romania in transition. The fall into future], Bucharest 1995
  • Petrescu D., Deconstrucţii populare [Popular De-constructions], Iași 2002, pp. 123–124
  • Prezentul trecutului recent. Lustrație și decomunizare în postcomunism [The Present of the Recent Past. Lustration and Decommunization in Postcomunism], ed. L. Stan, Bucharest 2010
  • Raportul final al comisiei prezidențiale pentru analiza dictaturii comuniste din România [Final Report of the Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania], Bucharest 2006
  • Roman C., Represiune și regim concentraționar în România comunistă (1945–1967) [Repression and concentrationary regim in communist Romania], [in:] Dicționarul penitenciarelor din România comunistă (1945–1967) [The Dictionnnary of the Prisons in Communist Romania], ed. A. Muraru, Iași 2008
  • Soulet J.-F., Istoria comparată a statelor comuniste din 1945 până astăzi [The Comparative History of the Communist States from 1945 to the Present Day], Iași 1998
  • Stamatescu M., Grosescu R., Dobrincu D., Muraru A., Pleșa L., Andreescu S., O istorie a comunismului din România. Manual pentru liceu [A History of Communism in Romania. Textbook for High School], Iași 2008
  • Stoica G., AFDPR-siglă a frontului antitotalitar european [AFDPR-a brand of the European antitotalitarian front], Cotidianul, 26 March 1992
  • Verdery K., Socialismul, ce a fost şi ce urmează [Socialism. What was and what follows], Iaşi 2003
  • Welsh H. A., Dealing with the communist past: Central and East European Experiences after 1990, Europe-Asia Studies 48, 1996, No. 3, pp. 413–428
  • Wood N., Vectors of memory, Oxford–New York 1999.

więźniowie polityczni political prisoners pamięć kulturowa postkomunizm repression represje anticommunism antykomunizm komunizm post–communism communism cultural memory

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