- Author:
Marta Zambrzycka
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Suffering body as a spectacle in paintings of Igor Podolchak and Vasily Cagolov.
The topic of this article is a way of presenting suffering in paintings of Vasily Cagolov and Igor Podolchak - Ukrainian contemporary artists. In the paintings of Cagolov suffering and causing pain are shown in the convention of popular culture (crime story film style). In art of Podolchak human body is represented as an object of experiments. Both painters try to analyze the place and role of images of suffering and Violence in the contemporary culture.
- Author:
Marzanna Morozewicz
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
- Year of publication:
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- DOI Address:
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Wybitna amerykańska artystka Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), poddając analizie własną twórczość, stwierdziła, iż całe dzieło artysty polega na tworzeniu autoportretu, a rozumiejąc jej słowa szerzej - każde dzieło artysty jest doświadczeniem autobiograficznym i co z tego dalej wynika - doświadczeniem arteterapeutycznym. Wychodząc od powyższego stwierdzenia, przedstawiam zapis refleksji dwojakiego rodzaju. Pierwsza z nich odnosi się do własnego doświadczenia twórczego i jednocześnie arteterapeutycznego podczas malowania serii obrazów pt. Otwarcie-wniknięcie. Dziewięć wybranych płócien z tego cyklu powstało w latach 1997-2005. Z okazji Jubileuszu 40-lecia Wydziału Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku zostały one zaprezentowane w formie wystawy indywidualnej eksponowanej w uniwersyteckiej Galerii Nowe Skrzydło w 2017 roku. Druga z refleksji dotyczy autorskiego warsztatu atreterapeutycznego, który przeprowadziłam ze studentami kierunku pedagogika z Wydziału Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w 2017 roku. Warsztat pt. OBRAZY przygotowany w ramach przedmiotu nauczania arteterapia był działaniem, w którym studenci dosłownie „wykorzystali” wspomniane obrazy jako pretekst albo wręcz jako medium do autorefleksji, do budowania „autoportretu wewnętrznego”, czy też do sięgania (poprzez obcowanie z konkretnym obrazem) do własnej biografii. Wynikające stąd obserwacje przedstawiam w końcowej części tekstu. W artykule przytaczam wybrane fragmenty autobiograficznych wypowiedzi studentów zainspirowane moimi dziesięcioma sugestiami. Analiza pisemnych refleksji uczestników warsztatu wykazała, iż ujawnili w nim aktywną postawę wobec samych siebie, otwierając możliwości świadomego rozwoju emocjonalnego oraz intelektualnego, wnikliwej i dojrzałej obserwacji rzeczywistości oraz w efekcie optymalizacji jakości własnego życia. Nabyli też umiejętności rozwiązywania konfliktów wewnętrznych, zapobiegania trudnościom życiowym i przezwyciężania przeszkód stojących na drodze do samorealizacji.
- Author:
Barbara Kwiatkowska-Tybulewicz
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- Institution:
University of Warsaw, Poland
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The article presents the two phenomena observed in the space of art and education in 21st century, which may constitute the basis for rethinking and modernizing the theory of aesthetic education. The first is the educational turn in contemporary art, consisting in the use of pedagogical methods and forms by artists in their creative work. Education becomes not only the subject of contemporary artistic projects, but above all, an artistic practice, the foundations of which were taken from radical pedagogy. The second element important for rethinking the theory of aesthetic education is the perspective of critical pedagogy. The article briefly presents Yolanda Medina’s Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy, which tries to combine aesthetic pedagogy with a critical approach in the context of self and social empowerment. New ways of intertwining the spheres of art and education in the 21st century may be an opportunity to renew and modernize both the practice and theory of aesthetic education, and to strengthen the aesthetic education approach in Polish pedagogy.
- Author:
Beata Mazepa-Domagała
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- Institution:
University of Silesia, Poland
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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This document is a continuation of the reflections on issues related to the phenomena surrounding the reception of contemporary art, initiated in the scientific study Around Art Reception. A Model of Empirical Cognition of Early School Education Teachers’ Attitudes to Modern Art – A Project Study. The article presents basic assumptions regarding the exploration of attitudes of early school education teachers towards contemporary art, and its main part is an attempt to present the author’s research tool in the form of a measure to identify the attitudes of early school education teachers towards contemporary art in the early school education process. The presented research tool consists of 50 test positions grouped in three dimensions: thoughts and beliefs about the characteristics of the object of an attitude, sensations and emotions associated with the object of an attitude, as well as actions and behaviours towards the object of an attitude, aimed at determining the attitudes of early school education teachers towards contemporary art in the early school education process within the following system: acceptance – ambivalence – rejection. The projected research tool is the initial proposal for further attempts by researchers of the subject to create their original tools for identifying audiences’ attitudes towards contemporary art.
- Author:
Dar’ya Dzehtsiarova
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Wang Guangyi’s work and its influence on the development of pop art in China
Since the late 1970s, profound changes have been underway across all spheres of Chinese society, encompassing the arts, thereby giving rise to new artistic trends and transformative shifts within the entire artistic tradition. Chinese artists have increasingly asserted themselves on the international stage. Concurrently, as the West became intrigued by Chinese art, two prominent trends – political pop art and cynical realism – were notably burgeoning. Notably, political pop art emerged as a foremost artistic movement in China during the early 1990s. Central to this trend is a predilection for symbolism, serving as a conduit for artists to articulate their sentiments and societal perspectives. Wang Guangyi is widely acknowledged as the seminal figure behind this movement in China. This article delves into Wang Guangyi’s creative evolution and the genesis of political pop art, exploring the antecedents of this novel artistic trajectory, its conceptual underpinnings, and stylistic hallmarks.