Ономастикон польских фамилий в документах новейшей истории Ярославского региона
- Institution: Компания «Северный aрхив»
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 102-113
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/so2019207
- PDF: so/16/so1607.pdf
Onomastikon Polish surnames in documents of modern history of the Yaroslavl region
The article is devoted to the study of Polish and polonized surnames of the Yaroslavl region of Russia on the basis of a database formed from diverse documents of recent history, mostly modern authors. A range of sources of information about contemporary surname carriers is consecrated; an etymological analysis of the surnames is carried out, they are graded according to special features. The history of the repressiveness of the Soviet system in relation to the carriers of Polish surnames is traced. The conclusion is made about the strength of the essence and purpose of the foundations of Polish surnames as the most resistant element among the bearers of historical memory to the aggressive totalitarian environment.