- Author:
Juan Pablo Ortiz Ramos
- Institution:
Universidad de Silesia
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Overcoming the fear of recovering the identity: the armed conflict in Colombia and the Bojayá massacre
This article demonstrates the violence in Colombia as a background to the historical events in the country and the way it led to the armed conflict which lasted for over the fifty years. This war continued, with the involvement of the Military Forces of Colombia, the police, the guerrilla and the paramilitary until it reached El Atrato, a very poor and vulnerable part of the country. That is where the massacre of Bojayá took place, one of the most violent acts in the recent history of Colombia. The outcome was a high rate of victims and countless number of stories full of pain and misery. However, the survivors, against all odds, started to overcome the fear and recover. In their culture abandoning the corpse was not accepted. In consequence, they started to fight for their ideals. The article focuses on the way the inhabitants of Bojayá regained their identity and their owning to strong bonds and traditions. It has been written based on academic research and on the leadership that the victims have achieved in the public and mass media field in Colombia. They managed to get the mortal remains of the members of their community exhumed and transferred to Medellin to be identified and, in front of their executioners and in front of the world, they sang their alabaos, they could tell their story that denounced the barbarism and demanded a better future.
- Author:
Maria Czerepaniak-Walczak
- E-mail:
- Institution:
University of Szczecin
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The text is a review of a collective work devoted, as the title indicates, to the extermination and suffering of Polish children during World War II. The content of the chapters focuses on the fate of Polish children in the General Government and East Prussia of the Third Reich as well as in the territory of Germany after 1945. The individual chapters contain documented crimes against Polish children not only in concentration camps but also in places of residence (Łódź, Zamojszczyzna, CONFIDENTIAL: FOR PEER REVIEW ONLY Białystok, and others). The book includes 12 chapters presenting the effects of the policy of the occupant towards the youngest generation in the period indicated by the caesura, and 2 chapters devoted to the fate of Polish children, who the end of the war found in Germany. The publication of this monograph in English enables the dissemination of knowledge about the fate of Polish children during World War II among a wide range of English-speaking readers. It also fosters reflection on the long-term consequences of wars and the paradox of the 20th century as the “Centenary of the Child” that was announced by Ellen Key
- Author:
Джениш Д. Джунушалиев (Dzhenish Dzhunushalievich Dzhunushaliev)
- Institution:
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
In the revolts epicentre
The Author presents the main reasons for the revolt of 1916 and the different points of view on these events.