- Author:
Paula Tomaszewska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Author:
Sara Tomaszewska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Sexual violence as a weapon in armed conflicts on the example of the activities of the “Islamic State” toward Yazidis women
The dissertation consists of the analysis of the criminal activity of the „Islamic State” toward Yazidis women. Religious and political reasons for the crimes committed on this religious minority will be presented. The authors will present, for example, among others selected articles from the “Dabiq” magazine or the pamphlet entitled The questions and answers on Hostages and Slaves. It was published in 2015 by an organization, in which an interpretation of Islamic law with regard to justification for sexual slavery was made subsequently. The authors will also refer to numerous reports of non-governmental organizations. The current situation of Yazidi women and the issue of bringing to justice the perpetrators of the crime committed in Yazidi will be analyzed.
- Author:
Mateusz Kufliński
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Gdański
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniu zniewolenia za długi, występującemu w epoce starożytnej i współcześnie. Przyjęte zostało w nim szerokie ujęcie długu, jako instytucji społecznej o wymiarze przede wszystkim moralnym. Dług, poprzez uwikłanie w konstelację moralności objawia się na kilku poziomach rzeczywistości społecznej, dotycząc aspektów finansowych (materialnych), jak i pojęć honoru oraz patriarchatu. Zagadnienie zostało przedstawione głównie na przykładach pochodzących ze starożytnych – Mezopotamii oraz Grecji, a także współczesnych – Tajlandii i Brazylii.
- Author:
Zbigniew Lasocik
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
The system of reception and support of war refugees from Ukraine – a criminological and victimological perspective
The article is an attempt to assess the support system for victims of war in Ukraine from the point of view of the safety of war refugees, mainly women and children. War never affects only the country that is the object of military attack. Barbaric aggression always carries some negative consequences, for neighboring countries (I omit those of the aggressor). The war in Ukraine is one of the most difficult experiences of our society after World War II. First of all, because there is regular fighting across our border, but also because Poland is a frontline country, with all unavoidable consequences (migrations to Poland, creation of a military support zone for the fighting Ukraine, risk of accidental or intentional losses, intensive activities of intelligence services, etc.). War leads to a threat to the livelihood of large masses of people, and this means that individuals become vulnerable to various forms of dependency, enslavement and exploitation. There is historical, theoretical and empirical evidence for this. The article is an account of research conducted in the spring of 2022 among people involved in the functioning of the reception and support system for victims of the war in Ukraine, near the Polish-Ukrainian border. It is clear from the research that this system (built spontaneously, out of a reflex of the heart by the society) was very efficient in meeting the basic needs of women and children, but as a result of the indolence of the state, a somewhat forgotten area became the issue of eliminating the risk of criminal victimization of these people. The research also resulted in a list of gaps and weaknesses in the system of reception and support of war victims, which could have led to such negative consequences. Let’s hope they didn’t (we don’t yet know detailed data on this), but the risk was significant.