Przewodniczący Rządu w Republice Czeskiej - ewolucja pozycji ustrojowej i praktyka konstytucyjna
- Institution: Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Year of publication: 2020
- Source: Show
- Pages: 273-294
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ppk/56/ppk5614.pdf
Chairman of the Government in the Czech Republic - Evolution of Political System and Constitutional Practice
The article discusses the evolution of the political position of heads of government in the Czech Republic. Time censures are between 1992 and 2019. The institution of the Prime Minister has become a real instrument of political power for the leaders of political groups in the country discussed. The parliamentary model of government in force in the Czech Republic assumes close cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities. The analysis includes both the constitutional regulations and political practice of the last nearly 30 years.