- Author:
Agata Szwed
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- Institution:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
- Year of publication:
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- Pages:
- DOI Address:
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Right to Asylum - Constitutional and International Legal Regulations
In the era of the ongoing migration crisis, when the regulations of international refugee law aimed at measure up to the long-term effects of this crisis proved to be insufficient, they are the national and constitutional norms that can be one of the best measures to protect people fleeing persecution. The purpose of the article will be to conduct a comparative law analysis of the right to asylum in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and in the constitutions of selected Member States of the European Union, and on this basis to examine how constitutional right to asylum can help obtain real protection for persons forced to leave their own territory. International and national regulations regarding access to the right of asylum will be distinguished. The right to asylum has not been regulated in any universally accepted international agreement, which is a reason why there are significant differences in the regulation of this right in the basic laws. Although statistically asylum is not granted as often as other international protection measures, the inclusion of the right to asylum in constitutional regulations should be assessed positively.
- Author:
Rafał Włodarczyk
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
Spirit of hikesia and education. A contribution to the pedagogical concept of asylum
In our cultural circle, the right to asylum derives its traditions from both legislation and religion, leads one’s attention to ancient times and the institutions of the Egyptians, Hebrews and Greeks. Moreover, it combines the issues of otherness, inclusion, persecution, suffering, fragility, duty, responsibility for the Other, as well as justice, hospitality, shelter and holiness. The importance of asylum, the growth of which in the 20th century was related to the European crimes of colonialism, the terror of totalitarianisms, the Holocaust, ethnic cleansing, the fate of refugees and stateless people, does not diminish in the face of the wars and disasters of the 21st century. In this context, the question of how one can link the issue of asylum to education seems legitimate. In relation to this question, the essay focuses attention on the concepts of Emmanuel Levinas, Jacques Derrida and Patrick Declerck, drawing on various traditions of asylum and thinking about hospitality that have contributed to shaping the foundations of European educational and aid institutions. Using the achievements of these important traditions for the Western humanities and the concepts of the above-mentioned philosophers, I would like to point out the need to think about educational spaces in the perspective of asylum pedagogy.